Monday 3 April 2023

Stylish Sunglasses for Men

It's not about why you should own sunglasses, but more about which style you should opt for. It's more about the coolness than the utilitarian part, isn't it? And its also a story about the coolest guy to rule the silver screen, who redefined how Men look.

Tom Cruise is not just a Hollywood superstar, but also a fashion icon who has left an indelible mark on the world of eyewear. His signature style of donning Ray-Ban Wayfarers in two of his iconic movies, "Risky Business" and "Top Gun," not only revolutionized the aviator style but also catapulted the Wayfarers into a living legend.

It all started in 1983 when Cruise played the role of Joel Goodsen, a high school student turned entrepreneur, in the romantic comedy-drama "Risky Business." In one of the most famous scenes from the movie, Joel dances around his house in a white shirt, gray slacks, and a pair of Ray-Ban Wayfarers. The moment he puts on the sunglasses, the screen lights up, and the audience is hooked. The Wayfarers became an integral part of Cruise's outrageously handsome ensemble, elevating his look to a whole new level of chicness. 

The impact of Cruise's choice of eyewear was not lost on the audience, and the sales of Ray-Ban Wayfarers skyrocketed. Soon after, in 1986, Cruise donned the same pair of Wayfarers as Maverick in "Top Gun," making the aviator style even more popular than before. The combination of Cruise's rugged charm and the classic design of Wayfarers was an instant hit, making them one of the most recognizable and sought-after sunglasses in the world.

What makes Ray-Ban Wayfarers so special is their versatility. They go perfectly with almost any outfit, whether you're at the beach, a black-tie event, or a board meeting. They're a timeless accessory that can make any man look dishy, no matter what his face shape or style is. Unlike other lines of sunglasses that are specifically tailored for a few face types, Wayfarers are universally flattering, which is why they've become a fashion staple for men all over the world.

The popularity of Wayfarers dates back to the 1950s when they were first made popular by American actor James Dean in the movie "Rebel Without a Cause." Dean's effortless cool and rebellious attitude, coupled with his choice of eyewear, inspired a generation of men to adopt the Wayfarer style. Over the years, Wayfarers have become synonymous with masculinity, adventure, and the timeless spirit of rebellion.

Wayfarers have become a signature style for men who want to exude confidence, charm, and adventure. They've changed the way men look and feel, making them a timeless accessory that will continue to inspire generations to come. Whether you're a fan of Tom Cruise or not, there's no denying the impact he's had on the world of fashion and eyewear.


Friday 31 March 2023

Lost in Translation: My Hilarious Adventures with Pahari English

When I first arrived in the Pahari region of India, I thought I had a pretty good grasp of the English language. After all, I had grown up speaking it and had even studied it in school. But it wasn't long before I realized that things were not as straightforward as I had assumed.

You see, in Pahari English, words are pronounced in ways that can be entirely different from what I was used to. And not only that, but the way they're pronounced can completely change their meaning. It was a fascinating and divergent experience, to say the least.

One example that sticks out in my mind is when an Irish guest asked for a "Playing card" from one of our helpers. Now, our helpers are overzealous when it comes to guest service, so even though he didn't understand what the guest meant, he ran and brought back a plate of "Plain curd" instead. We all had a good laugh about it later, but it just goes to show how easily things can get lost in translation.

Another time, a helper came running and told me that the receptionist didn't "certify" the guests. It took me a million seconds to configure what he meant - he had meant "satisfy." It was a hilarious mix-up, but it also made me realize just how different Pahari English can be from what I was used to.

And then there are the words that are just plain different. For example, Paharis refer to a vegetable peeler as a "Cheeler" instead of a "Peeler." It may seem like a small thing, but when you're trying to communicate with someone and you don't know the local lingo, it can make all the difference.

But even with all the linguistic quirks, there's something radiant and rapturous about the Pahari region that keeps me coming back. It's a wilderness full of prolific storytellers and characters that always keep me on my toes.

One of my favorite memories is when a staff member of mine was giving directions to guests who had just gotten off the train at Ramnagar Railway Station. Our property was right next to Hotel Solitaire, but he pronounced it as "Sauliter" - or 100 liters. When the guests didn't arrive by lunchtime, I called him to check in, and he said he couldn't find "Sauliter." We were all in stitches when we realized what had happened.

In the end, my experiences with Pahari English have taught me to always keep an open mind and a sense of humor. It may be different from what I'm used to, but that's what makes it so interesting. So the next time you find yourself in a foreign land, don't be afraid to embrace the local dialect - you never know what kind of spinner of yarns you might meet along the way.

Exploring Ranikhet by Road

Discovering the Enchanting Beauty of Jim Corbett Jungle and Ranikhet

The Jim Corbett Jungle is a mesmerizing natural wonder that leaves visitors enthralled with its spellbinding beauty. Nestled amidst the foothills of the Himalayas, this idyllic destination is a must-visit for anyone seeking to experience the sublime splendor of nature.

Embarking on the Scenic Journey

As you embark on the journey up north towards Ranikhet, the drive takes you through some of the densest oak and cedar jungles. The winding path is a series of dramatic turns that lead you through verdant valleys and majestic mountains, enveloping you in nature's luminous embrace.

Unleashing the Beauty of Nature

The natural beauty of the region is awe-inspiring, with its serene rivers, cascading waterfalls, and panoramic views that stretch as far as the eye can see. It is a bewitching attraction that leaves onlookers fascinated and enchanted.

Indulging in Local Delicacies

Along the way, you'll come across small dhabas that offer a great selection of local dishes, including the famous "Chola Samosa" and a variety of delicious vegetables. These food stops add to the overall charm of the journey, providing an opportunity to indulge in some local delicacies while taking in the ethereal beauty of the surroundings.

Reaching the Snow-Capped Peaks

As you ascend towards Ranikhet, the snow-capped peaks loom large in the distance, creating a sense of awe and wonder. The sheer majesty of the mountains is a testament to the power and beauty of nature, leaving you humbled by its grandeur.

Marveling at the Dramatic Turns

The drive to Ranikhet is not for the faint of heart, with its steep inclines, hairpin bends, and treacherous roads. However, it is also a journey that rewards you with some of the most breathtaking views that you'll ever witness. The dramatic turns, coupled with the idyllic landscapes, create a sense of adventure and excitement that is truly unforgettable

Savoring the Beauty of Ranikhet

Ranikhet, with its quaint little town and panoramic views, is a destination that is not to be missed. The town is surrounded by lush forests and green meadows, providing a stunning backdrop for a relaxing stroll or a picnic in the sun. The beauty of the place is enhanced by the warm hospitality of the locals, who welcome visitors with open arms.

Finally, a journey to Jim Corbett Jungle and Ranikhet is a must for anyone seeking to experience the splendor of nature. The region's mesmerizing beauty, dramatic turns, and arresting scenery make it an unforgettable journey that will leave you enthralled and bewitched. So, pack your bags and head to this enchanting destination to unleash the beauty of nature and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Tuesday 28 March 2023

A Journey Through Corbett

Exploring the Mesmerizing Wilderness of Jim Corbett National Park

Nestled in the beautiful state of Uttarakhand, Jim Corbett National Park is a spectacular preserve spanning over 1350 square kilometers of forests, hills, and grasslands. This park is a natural treasure that attracts visitors from all over the world, and rightly so. The park's rich biodiversity is a sight to behold, and its significance in preserving India's natural heritage is immense. Let's delve into the mesmerizing wilderness of Jim Corbett National Park and explore its beauty and significance.

Flora and Fauna of Jim Corbett National Park

The park, situated at the foothills of the Himalayas, is a stunning amalgamation of diverse vegetation. The forest area is dominated by Sal trees, known for their medicinal properties, and other trees like Chir Pine, Kharpat, and Khair. The park also boasts over 600 species of birds, including the Himalayan Grey-headed Fishing Eagle, Great Hornbill, and several species of owls. A meandering walk through the forest is an ethereal experience, the beauty of which leaves one spellbound.

Jim Corbett National Park is home to a wide range of wildlife species, including the majestic Royal Bengal Tiger, which is the park's main attraction. The park also houses the mighty Asian Elephant, Indian Leopard, Indian Python, Sambar Deer, and several other species of animals. A sighting of these magnificent creatures in their natural habitat is a truly mesmerizing experience.

The Origin of Giant Elephants and Royal Bengal Tigers

The Royal Bengal Tigers and Giant Elephants that inhabit Jim Corbett National Park have been living here for centuries. They are believed to have migrated from the Terai region of Nepal, which is situated across the border from Uttarakhand. The park was established in 1936 and was named after Jim Corbett, a renowned conservationist who played a crucial role in preserving the natural heritage of this region.

Importance of Preserving Jim Corbett National Park

Jim Corbett National Park plays a significant role in maintaining the ecological balance of the region. The forest acts as a carbon sink and helps in reducing the impact of climate change. It is also a source of livelihood for the local communities, who depend on the forest for their daily needs. Preserving the park is not just important from an ecological standpoint but is also crucial for the well-being of the local communities.


Jim Corbett National Park is a stunning testament to India's natural heritage, and its significance in preserving this heritage is immense. Its lush forests, majestic creatures, and mesmerizing beauty make it a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts. Let's pledge to preserve this natural treasure for generations to come, so that they too can witness the beauty of this sublime wilderness.

Discover the Scenic Beauty and Delectable Cuisine of Nainital

Nestled amidst the magnificent Kumaon hills, Nainital is a charming hill station that attracts tourists from all over the world. Known for its picturesque beauty and serene environment, this place offers a plethora of activities to indulge in. From exploring the lush green forests to boating in the tranquil Naini Lake, there's something for everyone here.

One of the most popular attractions in Nainital is the Naina Devi Temple. This ancient temple is dedicated to Goddess Naina Devi, and it is believed that a visit here can help one attain inner peace and harmony. Another must-visit place in Nainital is the Snow View Point, which offers a breathtaking view of the snow-capped Himalayas. The Tiffin Top, also known as Dorothy's Seat, is another popular viewpoint that offers stunning panoramic views of the valley below.

Apart from the scenic beauty, Nainital is also home to some of the most delectable cuisine. If you're looking for a fine dining experience, head to the Machan Restaurant. This eatery offers a wide range of delicacies from across the world, including Indian, Chinese, and Continental cuisine. The food is prepared using the freshest ingredients, and the presentation is simply exquisite.

For those who want to indulge in some local cuisine, the Sakley's Restaurant & Pastry Shop is a must-visit. This quaint eatery is famous for its mouth-watering pastries and cakes, but it also offers a range of local delicacies such as bhatt ki churkani, kachmuli, and aloo ke gutke. The restaurant's rustic decor and warm ambiance add to the overall experience.

If you're in the mood for some street food, head to the Tibetan Market. This bustling market is filled with food stalls that offer a range of delicacies such as momos, thukpa, and chow mein. The aroma of the food and the hustle and bustle of the market create an unforgettable experience that will leave you wanting more.

here are some popular eateries at Mall Road in Nainital that offer breathtaking views of the Naini Lake:

Cafe De Mall - Situated in the heart of Mall Road, this cafe offers a stunning view of the Naini Lake from its rooftop seating area. The cafe serves a variety of snacks and beverages, including sandwiches, pizzas, coffee, and shakes.

The Pavilion - This restaurant is located at the Governor's House and offers a picturesque view of the Naini Lake. The restaurant serves an array of cuisines, including Indian, Chinese, and Continental. The Pavilion is known for its elegant decor and peaceful ambiance.

Embassy Restaurant - This popular eatery is located at the start of Mall Road and offers a mesmerizing view of the Naini Lake. The restaurant serves a variety of North Indian and Chinese delicacies, and its rooftop seating area is a perfect spot to relax and enjoy the view.

Machan Restaurant - Located at the Manu Maharani Hotel, this restaurant offers a panoramic view of the Naini Lake and the surrounding hills. The restaurant serves a variety of cuisines, including Indian, Chinese, and Continental, and its elegant decor and warm ambiance make it a popular spot for fine dining.

Nanak Restaurant - This restaurant is located on Mall Road and offers a stunning view of the Naini Lake. It serves a range of North Indian and Chinese delicacies, and its outdoor seating area is perfect for enjoying the view while savoring the delicious food.

A concluding note, Mall Road in Nainital offers a range of eateries that not only serve delectable cuisine but also offer breathtaking views of the Naini Lake. Whether you're in the mood for fine dining or street food, you're sure to find something to your liking on Mall Road. So, head over to Nainital and explore the delights of Mall Road for yourself!

Monday 27 March 2023

Mukteshwar Road Trip: Discovering the Natural Beauty of the Himalayas

The Nainital to Mukteshwar road trip is one of the most scenic and breathtaking journeys you'll ever take. The winding roads, towering mountains, and lush green forests make for an unforgettable experience. From the misty mornings to the clear blue skies, every moment of this journey is a visual treat.

Starting from Nainital, the road trip takes you through the quaint little town of Bhowali, which is known for its fruit orchards and local markets. Here, you can stop by a small hole-in-the-wall Tibetan thuppa shop that serves some of the best Tibetan food you'll ever taste. You can also find locals selling walnuts, jams, pickles, and mandarins by the road, which are a must-try.

As you continue on your journey, the scenery becomes even more mesmerizing. The lush green forests give way to towering mountains, and the air becomes crisp and fresh. The constant companion along the journey are the ice-capped Himalayas, which can be seen towering in the distance.

As you approach Mukteshwar, the road becomes even more scenic, with breathtaking views of the valley below. The town itself is a peaceful and quiet little place, with narrow winding streets and traditional hill architecture. You can explore the local markets, taste the local delicacies, and visit the ancient temples that the town is famous for.

One of the highlights of the journey is the Mukteshwar Dham, a 350-year-old temple dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple is known for its stunning architecture and intricate carvings, and is a must-visit for anyone traveling to the area.

There are many interesting places to visit in and around Mukteshwar. Here are some of the top attractions:

Mukteshwar Temple: This ancient temple is the main attraction of Mukteshwar. It is believed to have been built in the 10th century and is dedicated to Lord Shiva. The temple features intricate carvings and is known for its stunning architecture.

Chauli Ki Jali: This is a scenic viewpoint located near Mukteshwar Temple. From here, you can enjoy breathtaking views of the valley below and the distant Himalayan peaks. The place is also popular for adventure sports like rock climbing and rappelling.

IVRI Laboratory: Indian Veterinary Research Institute Laboratory, located in Mukteshwar, is a popular attraction for animal lovers. Visitors can see a variety of animals including cows, horses, goats, and sheep.

Bhalu Gaad Waterfall: This picturesque waterfall is located just a few kilometers from Mukteshwar. It is a popular spot for picnics and photography, and the scenic beauty of the place is simply mesmerizing.

Sitla: Sitla is a serene and picturesque town located near Mukteshwar. It is known for its lush green forests, apple orchards, and panoramic views of the Himalayas. You can explore the local markets, taste the local cuisine, and relax in the peaceful surroundings.

Ramgarh: Ramgarh is a scenic town located near Mukteshwar. It is known for its apple orchards and stunning views of the Himalayas. You can visit the various fruit orchards, explore the local markets, and enjoy the natural beauty of the place.

The Nainital to Mukteshwar road trip is a journey that will stay with you for a lifetime. The stunning beauty of the mountains, the fresh air, and the delicious local food make it a truly unforgettable experience. So pack your bags, hit the road, and get ready to explore the hidden gems of the Himalayas!

Responsible Tourism in Jim Corbett: How to Be a Mindful Visitor

Conservation 101: What Not to Do While on a Vacation to Jim Corbett

 Jim Corbett National Park is one of the most beautiful and unique destinations in India. With its sprawling forests, majestic wildlife, and breathtaking natural scenery, it is a must-visit for anyone who loves the great outdoors. However, as a sensitive ecological zone, it's important to be mindful of your actions while visiting Jim Corbett. Here are some things you should avoid doing to ensure that you don't disturb the wildlife and natural habitat:

  1. Don't Make Loud Noises: Loud noises can be extremely disruptive to the wildlife in the area. It's important to keep your voices down and avoid playing loud music or using any kind of noisy equipment. Instead, take the time to appreciate the peacefulness of the surroundings and the natural sounds of the forest.

  2. Don't Litter: Littering is one of the most common problems faced by national parks and other natural areas. It not only detracts from the beauty of the surroundings but can also be harmful to the wildlife. Make sure to carry a small garbage bag with you and dispose of all waste properly.

  3. Don't Feed the Wildlife: Feeding the wildlife may seem like a kind gesture, but it can have serious consequences. Human food is not suitable for the dietary needs of wild animals, and feeding them can cause health problems and disrupt their natural behavior. Additionally, it can make them overly dependent on human presence and lead to dangerous encounters.

  4. Don't Stray from the Marked Trails: The park authorities have designated specific trails for visitors to follow. These trails have been carefully chosen to ensure the safety of both visitors and wildlife. Straying from these trails can be dangerous and also cause damage to the surrounding habitat.

  5. Don't Approach the Wildlife: Jim Corbett National Park is home to a wide variety of wild animals, many of which can be dangerous if provoked. It's important to maintain a safe distance from the wildlife and avoid approaching them. Respect their natural habitat and behavior and observe them from a safe distance.

Lastly, Drinking alcohol can impair your judgment and cause you to act in ways that are harmful to the environment and wildlife. Loud noises and rowdy behavior can also be particularly disruptive and distressing to the animals that call the park home.

Therefore, it's important to avoid getting drunk and making loud noises, particularly when staying in close proximity to the jungle. Instead, try to enjoy the natural beauty of the park in a more peaceful and mindful manner.

By being respectful of the environment and wildlife, we can help preserve the natural beauty of Jim Corbett National Park for generations to come.

Stylish Sunglasses for Men

It's not about why you should own sunglasses, but more about which style you should opt for. It's more about the coolness than the u...